JUNE 2018

JUNE 2018

Iowa State Police Association Newsletter
June 2018






July 10
Location: FORT DODGE


July 13–17
Location: SAN DIEGO






Robert J. Greenlee III
Local #12 Waterloo Police Department


Arthur "Art" Laufenberg

Local #14 Clinton Police Department





By Josh Bell, Senior Director


The Iowa State Police Association (ISPA) once again was represented in Washington, D.C. during National Police Week. President Tim Pillack and First Vice President Dave McFarland were sent to our nation’s capital to participate in lobbying efforts alongside the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO). I, along with Second Vice President Matt Harkin, also accompanied them in these meetings. In addition to our lobbying efforts, ISPA wanted to pay our respects and honor the men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting their communities.


On May 13, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our nation's finest, we held a candlelight vigil in honor and remembrance of our nation's fallen. This year, Pottawattamie...


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By Paula Feltner and Mike Heller, ISPA Lobbyists


The 2018 legislative session adjourned Sine Die on Saturday, May 5, with the Senate wrapping up at 5:00 p.m. and the House adjourning at 5:25 p.m. The session, which began January 9, lasted 119 days. This is not a complete chronicle of action. If, during session, the governor does not sign or veto a bill, it becomes law after three calendar days. Bills received by the governor during the last three calendar days of session must be signed or vetoed within 30 calendar days. The governor will have until June 4 to sign veto, or item-veto legislation still pending.


It was an active and productive year for law enforcement. Republicans controlled both chambers by a large majority and this year was a pension year. The most important result was that, for the first time in recent memory for a pension year, there was no pension legislation. The republicans in the House and the



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EXCITED DELIRIUM: Police Response of Medical Emergency?
By Chris Gergen and Greg Erie, Waterloo Police Department


It’s the middle of March, 1430 hours, the temperature outside is a balmy 36 degrees. You receive a call stating there is a person walking down the middle of the street, naked, speaking incoherently and sweating profusely. This same person intermittently will walk over to a parked car and smash out a window using only their fists and do so with relative ease and no pain. Zombie? Cyborg? No. This person is exhibiting symptoms of excited delirium. Get more cars and get paramedics to the scene as soon as possible.


It has been called many things: agitated delirium, Bell’s mania, acute exhaustive mania and a myriad of other terms. There seems to be a debate in the medical world about the correct term for it — we’re going to leave it to the academia to figure that out in the comfort and safety of their offices. In the meantime, police officers have to deal with it and the fallout from it while out on the beat. Since this is written for police officers, we are going to coin the term ED (excited delirium) henceforth.



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By Cheryl Nablo, Iowa C.O.P.S. Secretary


Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S) has a mission to help spouses, children, parents, siblings, significant others and affected co-workers of officers killed in the line of duty by providing resources to help survivors cope with the untimely loss of their loved one.


Iowa C.O.P.S. hosts fundraising events and monthly meetings throughout the year that help Iowa C.O.P.S. achieve its mission of supporting survivors. If you are a survivor and would like to receive email notifications regarding upcoming events, please email melisa@iowacops.org. Iowa C.O.P.S. looks forward to seeing you at the following upcoming events.


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By the RTC Board of Directors and Brad L. Klug, CEO


In the past couple of articles for the Iowa State Police Association (ISPA) newsletter, we have shared about the Rabiner Treatment Center (RTC) not being awarded an Iowa Group Care contract and our efforts to remain viable by working with the state of Minnesota to serve their boys in need. Not long ago, we sent out a notice telling you that we had to suspend our programming as Minnesota could not provide enough boys.


Since January, the RTC Board has been closely reviewing our operation, looking at ways to continue our mission. The only program we have had in operation was the on-campus school, which is now operated by a consortium of 21 school districts. At the end of April, we proposed an updated rental lease with this consortium, but they turned it down.


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‘With Our Deepest Sympathy, From the New York Yankees’


10 celebrities who have donned the badge and uniform


Officer goes above and beyond for family of 8 in need


10 domestic violence myths police need to know


Fingerprint in Play-Doh leads police to suspect


On her first day, rookie officer apprehends murder suspect


Appellate court justice makes case for how tough it is to be a police officer today


Dimwitted thieves too weak to kick down a door


Florida police officer's emotional last radio sign-off goes viral

Man jailed after flipping off traffic camera while using laser jammer



This is your newsletter and we'd like for you to get involved. If you have any story ideas or would like to contribute an article, please send us an email at ispaonline@gmail.com.


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